@import url('https://fonts.googleapis.com/css2?family=Indie+Flower&display=swap');
body {
background: url("/img/pexels-photo-1261731.jpeg") repeat-x fixed;
background-size: auto 130%;
font-family: "Indie Flower", Cursive, serif;
font-size: 1.15em;
/*In order to use a custom image texture for the borders, skin uses the "inner" class.*/
.inner {
color: white;
background: #1a1a1a;
padding: 0.5em 1em;
border: 1px solid #111;
.sidebar-image .inner {
padding: 0;
.box, .sidebar-image {
background: linear-gradient(rgb(225,145,5,0.4), rgb(225,145,5,0.4)), url("/wood.gif"); /*Custom border with wood texture.*/
padding: 0.2em;
a {
color: #cfcfcf;
/*Alternative nav link decoration.*/
.links li:before, .links .last:after {
content: "";
.links li:after {
content: " :: ";
.links li:before, .links li:after {
word-spacing: 0.375em;
.links li {
margin-left: 0.375em;